Research Report on Brand Characteristics of Athletics of U.S. High Schools

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  运动需要时间和承诺, 参加一项运动需要青少年发展两项重要技能:注意力和时间管理。专注力和时间管理是能够完成事情并实现短期和长期目标的人的关键特征。







  领导力是一种个人特质,对许多人来说往往难以捉摸,但与个人成功密切相关。领导者站在各自领域的最前沿;他们受到尊重,而且往往很富有。领导者还促进社会变革,我们的大部分文化、社会和经济进步都是领导力的结果。[5] 积极参与体育活动可以锻炼学生的领导力,展示高中生拥有的不仅仅是成为优秀学生的潜力,同时还有领导潜力。体育培养的领导力技能包括:沟通、决策、克服逆境、自律、处理成功和失败、设定和争取目标等。体育运动的团队和竞争类似于领导者必须在世界上面对的同事和竞争企业的团队。如果想培养自己或孩子的领导能力,不妨考虑参加一项令人兴奋且具有挑战性的运动。[6]





  体育在美国社会中扮演着重要的角色。[7] 体育促进了种族和社会融合,有助于构建支撑西方个体文明的集体认同,一直是西方文明和文化的一个基本特征,从古代起就以各种形式存在。在历史上一直是将国家凝聚在一起的“社会粘合剂”。它们广受欢迎,是传播正义、公平竞争和团队合作等价值观的载体。[8]


  在美国,体育与中等和高等教育紧密相关的程度在各国是罕见的。数以百万计的学生参加高中和大学开设的体育项目。大多数高中和大学都组织过体育运动。[9] 当美国的孩子们学会走路和说话时,他们也学会了跑、扔和踢。许多孩子在很小的时候就接触到运动,以灌输保持活跃和健康的习惯。美国的体育最终在社会文化中发挥着重要作用,使美国青年能够了解身体素质和体育精神在地方层面的重要性,并提供一个在大学、专业团队甚至全国范围内团结起来的渠道。[10]



  举世闻名的“常春藤联盟”(Ivy League), 设立的原意,就是体育比赛。常春藤联盟,指的是由美国新英格兰地区的八所大学组成的校际体育赛事联盟。美国大学被称为是奥运冠军的“摇篮”。美国作为传统金牌大户,参赛人员几乎都是来自全美各个大学或者曾经是各个大学体育运动的核心人物。

  还记得阿甘正传(Forest Gump)的影片主人公阿甘的智商只有75,勉强读完中学,却因为惊人的跑步速度被阿拉巴马大学橄榄队教练看中,从而进入大学。


  京领研究院选取Niche 2021年美国体育最佳学校(2021 Best Schools for Athletes in America)排行榜的前25所学校作为研究对象,深入分析了美国高中的体育品牌发展理念和支持维度。以下是排名情况及各学校的基本信息:[12]




  经调研发现,部分学校会直接在其学校官网的体育版块(Athletics)首页展现对学生的体育培育理念,通常呈现在“使命陈述(Mission Statement)”或“体育哲学(Athletics Philosophy)”中。在所调研的25所学校中,有14所学校直接展现了学校的体育培育理念。通过提取这些理念表述中的关键词,京领研究院制作了以下图表,以清晰展现美国高中在发展学生体育运动时都注重哪些理念。






  -保持同理心:所有运动员要理解并牢记“Man for Others”的校训;要尊重教练、队友、裁判和对手,获得全面发展,理解体育精神。




  拉塞尔学校指出体育运动让学生有机会通过训练、体能锻炼和良性竞争进一步提高身体素质,还能通过比赛策略和体育运动的复杂性提高思维敏捷性大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!。同时,通过在体育运动中培养学生的责任感、韧劲和自我意识可以帮助学生学习如何发挥自我价值并做出建设性的贡献。[16]





  ① 运用任务管理工具

  ② 控制课外活动

  ③ 保证睡眠充足

  ④ 保持饮食均衡

  ⑤ 尽早完成任务

  ⑥ 用好碎片时间

  ⑦ 养成良好的学习习惯

  ⑧ 利用好周末时间,不断进步,而不是临时抱佛脚

  ⑨ 及时与老师和教练沟通

  塞西纳姆高中相信体育运动可以激发学生的潜能,帮助学生培养独一无二的学校精神和自豪感。学校的体育理念和灵感是建立在我们的守护神弗朗西斯·德·塞莱斯(Francis de Sales)的不朽名言之上的——“没有什么比温柔更强大,没有什么比真正的力量更温柔。”因此,学校最看重的是学生们默默取得的个人胜利,以及通过毅力、勇气和奉献而获得的强大的人生经验。学校的教练既能激发学生的运动天赋,又能教会学生自尊、自爱,以及尊重他人、关爱他人。[21]





  #2.1 多途径引导体育兴趣

  美国高中会通过多种措施调动学生对体育运动的兴趣,最主要的方式包括:体育相关课程(Physical Education Courses)、校内运动(Intramural Athletics)、以及体育夏令营(Summer Sports Camps)。这些接触体育的途径不只是适用于初入高中的学生,对各个阶段的学生都适用,不仅能让学生学习、了解体育运动与健康的专业知识,还能让学生体验丰富多彩的运动项目,或者不断提升自己某一项体育运动的技能。




  美国疾病控制与预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)指出,体育教育是学校综合体育活动的基础。作为一门学术科目,其特点是基于国家体育标准,有计划且连续地开展体育课程教学。体育教育能够为学生提供认知内容和指导,帮助学生发展运动技能、知识和行为,促进体育活动和身体健康。[23] 通过调研也能发现,美国高中几乎都会提供一到两门,甚至多门体育相关的课程,比如[24] [15] [17] [25]:





  根据一些运动的季节性和学校整体体育活动的时间安排,不同学校对校内运动的时间安排略有不同。按季节分,一般会安排在秋季、冬季、春季;按月份分,一般会在1-4月,9-12月之间进行。以下是两个典型的学校安排情况[14] [15]:







  #2.2 信息化、便捷化





  美国高中学生可以由学校的官网,进入体育版块,直接检索以往各个运动队的赛事记录或未来赛事安排,一般叫做“Team Schedules” 或“Calendar”。可以查到的赛事信息包括:参赛运动员的花名册(姓名、年级、号码、位置),教练信息(姓名、头衔、电话、邮箱),比赛日期和时间,比赛性质,比赛地点(校内场地或对手学校场地,可点击地点查看路线导航),对手学校名称,以往比赛的比赛结果及数据统计等。

  以下是两个学校的系统部分截图,可以直观地感受到赛事信息系统的便利性[15] [17]。





  比如,波士顿学院高中与高清视频播客网站维密欧(Vimeo)合作,让学生可以从学校官网直接进入Vimeo的视频播放界面,免费观看往期比赛。[14] 三一高中以及克里斯多夫·哥伦布高中都与全国高中联合会(NFHS)高中体育网建立合作伙伴关系,在线直播学生们的体育赛事,球迷只需支付很低的费用就能通过NFHS网站观看自己最喜欢的学生运动员和球队的比赛现场。[26] [15] NFHS网络(NFHS Network)是美国高中体育流媒体直播和点播的引领者。






  #2.3 适度商业化





  体育赞助是指企业(赞助商)以体育为对象,向体育组织方(被赞助者)提供金钱、实物或劳务等支持,体育组织则以广告、冠名、专利等无形资产作为回报,实现双方互惠互利的商业活动。[28] 历史上最早记载的体育赞助就发生在美国——新英格兰铁路公司在1952年免费运送参加哈佛大学与耶鲁大学划船比赛的队员,大力宣传以吸引体育迷乘坐火车去观看比赛。[29]











  波士顿学院高中在运动装备定制平台SquadLocker的帮助下,创建了学校自己的即时在线体育文化用品商店(Spirit Wear Shop)。如果想购买,可以直接从学校官网进入这个线上商店选购。学校无需分散精力去运营,所有服务流程和管理均由SquadLocker完成,包括门店创建、装饰布局、商品生产、设计定制以及客户服务等。[14]


  #2.4 体育医疗专业化









  除了聘请并组建自己的运动医疗团队,美国高中更多的是与知名的运动医疗服务机构合作,充分利用社会专业资源。比如,圣爱德华高中与克利夫兰运动健康诊所(Cleveland Clinic Sports Health)保持着良好的合作关系,能让学生运动员享受合作伙伴的专业医疗团队资源,包括顶尖的整形外科医生,运动医学医生,医生助理,物理治疗师,运动教练,注册营养师,放射科医生和运动生理学家等。[18] [31]






  当今的年轻人正被引诱到只需要动动手的“活动”中,例如视频游戏、社交媒体或网上冲浪。虽然大多数13-17岁的青少年身体状况良好,但只有大约40%的青少年积极参加任何体育活动,无论是竞技性还是娱乐性。不幸的是,这种下降趋势可能会继续下去。[2] 同时,过分注重胜利作为参与的目的,导致学生的心理压力增大;对青少年身体要求过高,容易增加运动损伤的概率;缺乏对青少年体育教练员的培训,使得指导错误让孩子受挫等原因,越来越多的青少年放弃了参加体育运动的机会。尤其是女生,有大量的女生在进入青春期以后会退出体育活动。[32]








  [1] Chen, Grace. "Pros And Cons of Sports Competition at The High School Level". High School Issues | Public School Review, 2021,

  [2] Compton, Maj, and Andi Atkinson. "7 Good Reasons Teenagers Should Play Sports". Marine Military Academy,

  [3] "Benefits of Sports for Adolescents". Health Care,

  [4] Klein, Yael. "The Benefits of Sports for Teens". Evolve Treatment Centers,

  [5] Hopkin, Michael. "Why Sports Builds Leadership". Lead On Purpose, 2013,

  [6] Network, KreedOn. "Learn Top 10 Leadership Skills Developed by Playing Sports - Kreeedon". Voice Of Indian Sports - Kreedon, 2021,

  [7] "Sports in America". U.S. Diplomatic Mission to Germany, 2010,

  [9] Battente, Saverio. "The Idea of Sport in Western Culture from Antiquity to The Contemporary Era [Hardback]". Vernon Press, 2020,

  [9] "Sports in The United States". Wikipedia, 2021, Accessed 24 Aug 2021.

  [10] "SOCIETY's CULTURE: Sports in America". Le Mauricien, 2012,

  [11] "为什么美国大学崇尚体育,尤其喜欢录取体育好的学生?". 京领新国际 | 微信公众平台, 2021,

  [12] "2021 Best Schools for Athletes in America". Niche, Accessed 23 Aug 2021.

  [13] "The Best High Schools for Athletes Methodology". Niche, 2021, Accessed 23 Aug 2021.

  [14] “Athletics.” BC HIGH, 27 Oct. 2020,

  [15] “ATHLETICS PROGRAM.” Christopher Columbus High School,

  [16] “Rams Athletics.” La Salle Academy,

  [17] “Athletics Department.” Cathedral Catholic High School, 12 Aug. 2019,

  [18] “St. Edward Eagles.” St. Edward High School,

  [19] “ATHLETICS.” Gonzaga College High School,

  [20] “Athletics.” Bedford High School,

  [21] “Philosophy | Athletics.” Salesianum School,

  [22] “Athletics - St. Joseph High School - a Tradition of Excellence.” St. Joseph High School,

  [23] “Physical Education.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 21 Apr. 2020,,to%20be%20physically%20active%20for%20a%20lifetime.%202%E2%80%934.

  [24] “Athletics.” Mater Dei High School,

  [25] “Gibbons Athletics.” Cardinal Gibbons High School,

  [26] “Athletics.” TrinityRocks, Trinity High School, 28 Aug. 2017,

  [27] “Manage Your Workflow.” Appryse, NOLEDGY LLC.,

  [28] “从赞助商的视角看体育赞助.” 体育赞助网, 6 Jan. 2017,

  [29] 倪宏竹. "对成功体育赞助的研究." 商场现代化, 10(2008):197-197.

  [30] “Online Stores for School SPIRIT Wear and TEAM APPAREL.” Shirt Art, Inc - Online Spirit Wear Stores,

  [31] “Sports Health.” Cleveland Clinic,

  [32] "美国青少年放弃体育运动的原因". 今日号闻, 2021,

  [33] Bradley, Matt. "5 Huge Problems with Youth Sports in the US". Ollie, 2020,

  Editor’s Notes: The in-depth research series are initiated by KingLead Research Institute. We aim to study the law and inspire practice.


  Today’s teens are exposed to an array of entertainment avenues that may foster laziness, such as television, video, online games, and other media devices. However, the traditional experience of sports, exercise and kinesthetic activities can help boost teens’ minds and bodies. Involvement in sporting activities keeps children moving and engaged physically, vital for their overall health and well-being. During these formative high school years, teenagers’ bodies grow and change constantly, and participation in sports can help teens learn how to maneuver and adjust to their changing body and physical abilities. In addition, a teen’s hormones and chemical makeup are constantly in flux. Involvement in sports can help the body produce more positive chemicals, such as endorphins and adrenaline, which creates more stable moods, positive feelings of happiness, and decreased feelings of depression or sadness. [1]


  Physical exercise increases blood flow to the brain, and blood flow to the brain stimulates brain growth. Plus, playing a sport does require students to think on their feet and strategize, keeping their minds sharp and alert. Many studies reveal that playing sports can boost our brainpower. A report from the Institute of Medicine stated: Children who are more active show greater attention, have faster cognitive processing speed, and perform better on standardized academic tests than children who are less active. [2]

  【Learn to Focus and Better Time Management】

  Sports require time and commitment. Playing a sport requires teenagers to develop two important skills: focus and time management. Focus and time management are crucial traits in people who get things done and accomplish their short and long-term goals.

  It takes a lot of time and energy to play a sport. Some people may think it will cause distraction to student athletes. However, the opposite is true. Exercise requires memory, repetition, and learning - a combination of skills directly related to classroom homework. In addition, the determination and goal setting skills required for a sport can be transferred to the classroom. Most players usually perform better in school and are more likely to be involved in clubs or community service. If a student is an athlete, s/he often has a more positive attitude towards school, his/her academic performance will be improved and their ambition for college will be higher. [3]

  【Help Shape Identity】

  Playing sports affords students the unique positive benefit of identity formation. Sports are a great way for teens to form an identity outside their family. Teens take pride in the fact that they are athletes, which helps them establish their identity and differentiates them from peers. [4]

  【Strengthen College Application Resume】

  It is a fact that colleges do favor applicants who are well-rounded. Playing a sport will not only pad your resume, but it will also usually tell the admissions counselor that you are disciplined, confident and work well with others.

  【Stronger Leadership】

  Leadership is a personal trait that often proves elusive to many people, however, is intimately related to personal success. Leaders are at the forefront of their fields; they are respected and quite often wealthy. Leaders also foster social change, and most of our cultural, social, and economic progress is the result of leadership. [5] Active participation in sports activities can exercise students' leadership and show that high school students have not only the potential to become excellent students, but also the potential for leadership. Leadership skills developed by sports include communication, decision making, dealing with success and failure, setting, and striving for goals, etc. The team and competition of sports are like the team of colleagues and competitors that leaders must face in the real world. If you want to develop your own or your child's leadership, consider participating in an exciting and challenging sport. [6]

  【Better Career】

  According to a study from Cornell University, teenagers who played sports developed stronger leadership skills, worked better in teams, and demonstrated more confidence. The study also stated: “Participation in competitive youth sports ‘spills over’ to occupationally advantageous traits that persist across a person’s life.” [2]

  Sports play an important role in American society.[7] Sport has aided in structuring the collective identities that underpin individual civilizations in the West, and, far from being a merely marginal phenomenon, it has in fact been an essential feature of Western civilization and culture from antiquity, in its various forms. Sports have contributed to racial and social integration and over history have been a “social glue” bonding the country together. They enjoy tremendous popularity but more importantly, they are vehicles for transmitting such values as justice, fair play, and teamwork. [8]

  Sports is an important part of American society, which has a very high level of commercialization. Unlike most other countries, the United States government does not fund sports or related events. The market for professional sports in the United States is roughly $69 billion, roughly 50% larger than that of all of Europe, the Middle East, and Africa combined. Nationwide, the NFL obtains the highest television ratings among major sports. Super Bowl Sunday is the biggest annual sporting event held in the United States.

  The extent to which sports are associated with secondary and tertiary education in the United States is rare among nations. Millions of students participate in athletics programs operated by high schools and colleges. [9] As they learn to walk and talk, kids in America also learn to run, throw, and kick. Many children are exposed to sports at a young age to instill a habit of remaining active and fit, while also enjoying themselves. Sports in America ultimately play a large role in the society’s culture, enabling the American youth to understand the importance of physical fitness and sportsmanship at the local level, and providing an outlet to rally around universities, professional teams or even the country. [10]


  American Universities Value High School

  Students' Sports Ability and Experience

  The Ivy League is an American collegiate athletic conference comprising eight private research universities in the Northeastern United States. American colleges are known as the “cradle” of Olympic champions. As a traditional gold medalist, almost all the participants in the United States come from various universities or have been the core figures of sports teams in universities.

  Forrest Gump, the protagonist of the movie Forrest Gump, whose IQ was only 75, barely finished high school, but he was favored by the football coach of the University of Alabama because of his amazing running speed, and he entered the University for this unique talent.

  Sports excellence can greatly increase the possibility for students with academic achievement to enter famous schools. Even if their academic record is not so good, outstanding sports achievements may help students in admission. Some universities set up athlete scholarships to attract students with sports expertise. Students with unique sports expertise are quite popular when applying for colleges abroad. In addition, American college admissions offices will pay attention to relevant students before enrollment every year, so having sports expertise is a cherry on the top for application.[11]

  The KingLead Research Institute selected the top 25 schools on Niche's 2021 Best Schools for Athletes in America ranking list as research objects and deeply analyzed the development philosophy and support dimensions of athletics brand in American high Schools. Here are the rankings and basic information about the 25 schools: [12]

  The Ranking is based on student and parent reviews of athletics, the number of state championships, student participation in athletics, and the number of sports offered at the school. The data is from the U.S. Department of Education along with millions of reviews from students and parents. Statistics obtained from the U.S. Department of Education represent the most recent data available, as self-reported by the schools. Niche also collects data directly from schools via their Niche Partner Account. The methodology is shown as below: [13]


  Development Philosophy of

  American High School’s Athletics Brand

  According to the research, some schools directly display their athletics development philosophy on the “Athletics” column of their official website, specifically, usually in the description of “Mission Statement” or “Athletics Philosophy”. In the 25 schools, 14 schools directly show the school's athletics development philosophy. By extracting keywords from their descriptions, KingLead Research Institute created the following chart to give a clear picture of what American high schools are focusing on when developing student athletics.

  As can be seen from the chart, cultivating students' “teamwork spirit” appears the most frequently, which is a concept commonly emphasized by American high schools and the most basic principle in sports. Secondly, schools emphasize that sports can promote students' “self-awareness”, including “self-esteem”, “self-love”, “exceeding limitations” to achieve “self-worth” and enhance “pride”. Three groups of keywords ranked third in the number of occurrences, indicating that American high schools also attach great importance to developing students' “sportsmanship”, improving students' “physical fitness” and helping to stimulate students' “athletics potential”. In the fourth place is “mutual respect/ support/ care”, which shows that American high schools underline that students should not only develop self-respect and self-love during sports or competitions but also learn to respect and love others, such as teammates, coaches and opponents. In the fifth place, there are four groups, indicating that American high schools require students to first ensure their “academic” standings and not allow their athletic participation to affect their GPA. At the same time, schools stress competition by “character”. Although the remaining keywords appear less frequently, they can also reflect the views held by American high schools in cultivating students' athletics literacy.

  The following is the complete concept statement of some schools, which shows the importance American high schools attach to the development of students' athletics:

  The Athletic Department of the Boston College High School stands by the following philosophy:

  -Open to Growth: Student-athletes should be acceptant of other viewpoints as they continue to grow in their pursuit of excellence. Coach reviews each season to see if their athletes improved over the course of the season, and are able to learn about the game they play.

  -Intellectually Competent: The student-athlete will be reminded that academics come first at BC High. Doing well in the classroom is a priority for our athletes, which is supported by our coaches. In the same regard, learning on the playing fields is also important. Student-athletes and coaches are expected to grow in their pursuit of athletic knowledge in their sport.

  -Religious: As a Jesuit, Catholic school, BC High seeks to ensure that all athletes understand that the Man for Others motto can be witnessed in sports. Treating coaches, teammates, referees, and opponents with respect is crucial in the student-athletes overall development and understanding of sportsmanship.

  -Loving: A healthy environment for any team is one where respect and support are encouraged. When teammates treat each other with respect and dignity, it leads to a positive atmosphere.

  -Committed to Doing Justice: Many hard decisions are made by student-athletes and coaches over the course of the season. The outcome should be fair and consistent for the overall good of the school. [14]

  At Christopher Columbus High School, athletics are an integral part of learning and student life. Students are encouraged to excel and win, but the principles of self-discipline, teamwork, and sportsmanship are the underlying goals of the Columbus athletic program. [15]

  La Salle Academy believes that athletics provide opportunities for training, physical conditioning, and healthy competition. These not only help students develop their physical talents, but also strengthen their mental dexterity through the strategy and intricacies of the sport. Athletics can help students learn how to function effectively and make positive contributions by encouraging responsibility, fostering persistent effort, and promoting self-awareness. [16]

  At Cathedral Catholic High School, students learn lifelong lessons in teamwork, discipline and leadership. Its athletic program emphasizes skill development, teamwork, physical fitness, and, above all, sportsmanship. The goal is to provide students with the opportunity to work in a team environment and test their physical skills as well as their mental skills in a competitive arena. At CCHS, academics and athletics go hand-in-hand. A student must achieve and maintain a 2.0 GPA in order to participate on an athletic team. The skills learned here will provide student-athletes with the opportunity to be successful today and in the future. [17]

  At St. Edward High School, the coaches motivate every student-athlete to reach his potential, respect his teammates and understand how to work with others effectively and have respect for their opponents and the game - qualities applied far beyond the field of play. The talents of student-athletes open doors to many opportunities beyond high school as they continue their educations and playing careers at the nation’s top colleges and universities. [18]

  The athletics program at Gonzaga College High School plays an indispensable role in its mission of educating the whole person—mind, body, and spirit. Students participate in at least one sport each year, providing mental and physical benefits, but also opportunities to learn accountability, dedication, teamwork, and leadership. The coaching staff at Gonzaga stresses competing with character. Through sports, students are expected to learn and experience sportsmanship, teamwork, resilience and humility to enrich their life values. [19]

  Bedford High School focuses on students' ability of time management when participating in sports and encourages students to exceed the comfortable limits with nine suggestions: [20]

  ① Use a planner

  ② Limit your extracurricular activities

  ③ Get enough sleep

  ④ Eat a well-balanced diet

  ⑤ Get your work done early

  ⑥ Make use of small pockets of time within your day

  ⑦ Develop good study habits

  ⑧ Use weekends to get ahead, not catch up

  ⑨ Communicate with teachers & coaches

  Athletics at Salesianum School have a rich tradition of helping young men realize their potential and fostering a unique sense of school spirit and pride. Its athletics philosophy and inspiration are built upon the timeless words of its patron saint, Francis de Sales who believed that “Nothing is so strong as gentleness, nothing so gentle as real strength.” What Salesianum values more than any title, win or public recognition is students quietly achieved personal victories that combine with powerful life lessons learned through perseverance, grit and a commitment to a cause greater than oneself. The coaches inspire while developing athleticism and also teach respect and love of oneself, and others. [21]

  St Joseph High School believes in educating the whole student - spiritually, academically, and physically. The school recognizes the value of a comprehensive athletic program to enhance students' experiences. It supports the teams and the athletes in a positive and caring way. The coaches stress the importance of physical fitness, conditioning, and safety in all athletic activities. Athletic involvement presents the students with unique opportunities: to build community, character, integrity, discipline, and sportsmanship. Participating in athletic programs offers students the opportunity to develop physical and athletic skills. [22]


  Development Characteristics of

  American High School’s Athletics Brand

  The development of the American high school athletics brand has four very significant characteristics, namely: 1) Focus on consciously guiding students to find their own sports interests and actively participate in sports through physical education related courses, intramural sports, and summer sports camps. 2) Make it more information-based and convenient in terms of schedule retrieval, sports event communication, and sports medical treatment; 3) Allow the moderate commercialization to better support the development of school athletics; 4) Attach importance to providing students with professional sports medical services. Specific cases will be illustrated below.

  #2.1 Stimulate Athletics Interest in Multiple Ways

  American high schools will stimulate students' interest in athletics via a variety of measures, including physical education courses, intramural athletics and summer sports camps. These ways of contacting sports are not only applicable to freshmen, but also applicable to students of all levels, which can not only enable students to learn and understand the professional knowledge of sports and health, but also increase students’ experience of different sports, or continuously improve their skills in a certain sport.



  Physical Education Courses

  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention pointed out that physical education is the foundation of a Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program. It is an academic subject characterized by a planned, sequential K–12 curriculum (course of study) that is based on the national standards for physical education. Physical education provides cognitive content and instruction designed to develop motor skills, knowledge, and behaviors for physical activity and physical fitness. [23] Through research, it can be found that almost all high schools in the United States offer more than one PE-related course, such as [24] [15] [17] [25]:



  Intramural Athletics

  Intramural athletics is a powerful complement to competitive athletics and can help students find sports they are interested in through an entertaining and appropriately competitive atmosphere. In addition, intramural athletics enable students to make new friends with similar interests, establish friendships, increase the fun and competitive experience of various sports, and even win trophies and honors, experience the joy of victory.

  Different schools have slightly different schedules for intramural athletics, depending on the seasonality of some sports and the school's overall athletics schedule. By season, it is usually arranged in fall, winter, and spring. By month, it is generally carried out from January to April and from September to December. The following are two typical school calendars [14] [15]:



  Summer Sport Camps

  As freshmen of high school, students can use the summer vacation to participate in the school's various sports camps. In addition to the fun and slightly competitive nature of intramural athletics, the sports camp focuses more on bringing beginners without any experience, slightly experienced intermediate-level students, and more skilled high-level athletes, to learn and improve the corresponding level of sports knowledge and skills under the professional guidance of high school coaches in a period of time. The summer camps held by American high schools also welcome students from other schools to register. Students can meet new friends from different schools, build more friendships and expand their social circle.

  Below is the Summer Sports Camp information for one week of the Cathedral Catholic High School. [17]:

  Week of June 21 – 25, 2021

  #2.2 Information-based and More Convenient

  In this information age, American high schools are also actively promoting the development of student sports from the perspective of informatization. From the school’s official website, it can be seen intuitively that three aspects of informatization measures have provided students with great convenience, including: a clear team schedule retrieval system, diversified sports event media platforms, and a simpleathletics medical information system. These measures are not only conducive to environmental protection, but also helpful to improve the efficiency of all work.



  Team Schedule Retrieval System

  American high school students can enter the athletics section of the school’s official website to directly retrieve past sports team records or future team schedules, generally called “Team Schedules” or “Calendar”. The sports event information that can be found includes: the roster of participating athletes (name, grade, number, position), coach information (name, title, phone number, email), date and time of the game, level of the game, and location of the game (home or away; students can click on the location to view the route navigation), the name of the opponent's school, the results of the previous games and statistics, etc.

  The following are some screenshots of the systems of two schools [15] [17].



  Diversified Sports Event Media Platforms

  By providing sports event broadcasting channels, fans and sports lovers can enjoy the student-athlete events they are interested in at any time. American high schools save, record, broadcast the sports events of student athletes and make all resources open to the public in various ways. Generally, Schools display the wonderful performance of student athletes in a comprehensive way through cooperative video platforms and the school's official social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc.).

  Boston College High School, for example, has partnered with Vimeo, a high-definition video podcast site, to give students free access to past games on Vimeo directly from the school's website. [14]Trinity High School and Christopher Columbus High School have partnered with NFHS Network to broadcast live student sports events online, allowing fans to watch their favorite student athletes and teams on the NFHS website at a very low cost. [26] [15] NFHS Network is the leader of high school athletics live streaming in the United States.大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!



  Athletics Medical Information System

  American high schools require students and parents to submit physical health forms, medical examination forms signed by doctors, and medical history records before students join sports teams or sports clubs, which need to be updated every academic year. In order to protect privacy, simplify procedures, and replace paper documents, schools have begun to introduce efficient, convenient, and environmentally friendly athletics medical information systems, such as Appryse, most commonly used in high schools in the United States. Students who want to join any sports team must sign up for an Appryse account and submit their physical examination forms to the system, Mater Dei High School said. Students can also read and sign legal documents on this system to authorize and sign up for tryouts for sports teams. [24]

  Appryse is a web-based system used to track medical history, contact information, and release forms for all students. Parents can input their children's information online, upload or fax doctor’s physicals to Appryse, update children’s medical information at any time, and know whether their children have a sports injury or an emergency. The school's athletics medical center, coaches and physical trainers can check the health of students at any time and notify the students who can participate in the tryouts in time, or timely inform the parents and the medical center of the students’ injuries and locations, which greatly shortens the emergency response time. The athletics medical center can also quickly obtain basic information about injured students and the medical records they need. [27]

  #2.3 Moderate Commercialization

  The development of athletics requires the support of multiple resources such as venues, equipment, and manpower. Therefore, the budget has always been the focus of school's athletics department. Moderate commercialization can greatly reduce the pressure on the school's budget for athletics. The commercialization of athletics in American high schools is relatively mature, such as attracting support from sponsors, selling tickets of school athletics events, and running school sports spirit wear stores. The support of social organizations and individuals has played a significant role in promoting the development of high school students' athletics.



  Attracting Sponsors

  Sports sponsorship refers to the business activities in which the enterprise (sponsor) provides the sponsored sports organization with financial, physical or labor support, while the sports organization returns the intangible assets such as advertisement, naming and patent to the sponsor, to achieve mutual benefit. [28] The earliest recorded sports sponsorship in history occurred in the United States. The New England Railroad offered free transportation to the Harvard-Yale boat race in 1952, in an effort to lure sports fans to watch the game by train. [29]

  Nowadays, sports sponsorship is developing rapidly in developed countries, especially in Europe and America. American high schools provide sponsorship opportunities on their official websites for social enterprises to support student athletics development. Bedford High School, for example, offers different levels of sponsorship for corporations: [20]



  Selling Athletics Event Tickets

  American high school student athletics events also open ticket services to the public. The schools cooperate with well-known ticketing companies for school sports events, provide ticket booking portals on the school’s official website so that fans can watch student athletes’ games closely and cheer for them. Paying for tickets is not only an important way to support student athletes, but respect and recognition of student athletes' efforts and dedication.

  For example, Mater Dei High School cooperates with GoFan who has served many schools, colleges and universities, and sold more than 20 million tickets, and is a leader in the ticketing industry for sports events for high school students and has won the trust of many schools. If fans want to buy a 2021 football season ticket from Mater Dei High School, just select the ticket and book it on the school’s website. The picture below shows a VIP season ticket (Row M - Seat 101, VIP area A, US$170.00): [24]



  Selling School Sports Spirit Wear

  In addition to selling tickets of student athlete events, American high schools also cooperate with sports equipment customization platforms to facilitate students, coaches, parents and fans to buy school sports spirit wear from the school's official website, which can not only increase the sense of belonging and pride of student athletes, but also a good way to raise funds. [30]

  Boston College High School has created its own instant online Spirit Wear Shop with the help of SquadLocker, a sports gear customization platform. One can go to the online store directly from the official website of the school. All services are handled by SquadLocker, including store creation, decor layout, merchandise production, design customization and customer service. [14]

  Below is part of the interface of Boston College High School's online sports store:

  #2.4 Specialization of Athletics Medicine

  In the development of student athletics, it is easy for parents and schools to worry about students' sports injuries. Therefore, American high schools have taken adequate safeguard measures to prevent and treat student athletes’ sports injuries: hiring professional athletics trainers and doctors, or establishing partnerships with trusted and well-known medical institutions to provide students with the most professional, timely and safe medical resources and eliminate students' worries in the development of athletics.



  Establish Intramural Medical Team

  In order to deal with and prevent accidental injuries caused by student athletes during training or competition, American high schools employ qualified sports medicine teams to provide students with professional sports medicine services such as guidance, treatment and counseling. Boston College High School provides student athletes with the best medical care for a return to the classroom and athletic participation in a thorough, timely, and safest manner possible. It provides services that include injury prevention, recognition, education, treatment, and rehabilitation. The BC High Athletic Training Staff is composed of Athletic Trainers who are board-certified by the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA), are licensed by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and are under the direction and guidance of the Boston College High School team orthopedic physician. Supplemental healthcare providers include Athletic Training Students (interns) and a host of medical consultants and sub-specialists. [14]



  Cooperate with Professional Sports

  Medicine Institutes

  In addition to hiring and forming their own sports medical team, American high schools often cooperate with well-known sports medical service organizations to make full use of social professional resources. For example, St. Edward High School maintains a good cooperative relationship with Cleveland Clinic Sports Health, which allows student athletes to enjoy the professional medical resources of the partners, including top orthopedic surgeons, sports medicine physicians, physician assistants, physical therapists, athletic trainers, registered dietitians, radiologists and exercise physiologists to keep athletes in the game. [18] [31]

  【Section Conclusion】

  To sum up, American high schools are mature and advanced in the integration of athletics with education, and with medicine. In addition to the above characteristics, other measures taken by American high schools in developing student athletics are also worth learning, such as: providing students with qualified and experienced athletics teachers and coaches, complete and professional sports equipment, venues and facilities, perfect teaching, training and competition system, stable and diversified funding and budget support, meticulous and thoughtful relationship handbook for parents, students, and coaches, etc.

  Sports are of great significance to the growth and development of high school students. By participating in sports activities and managing time reasonably, students can promote academic progress, strengthen their physique, relieve pressure, and cultivate leadership. It not only benefits children from being a student, but also has a long-term positive impact on adulthood. Here are studies indicating that girls and boys who played sports are more likely to land higher-status jobs than those who did not. [2]

  American high schools with sports brand characteristics are equipped with professional coaches, teachers and special venues and facilities for students. The school has established sophisticated teaching, training and competition system, stable and diversified sources of funds, and provides thoughtful guidance on the relationship among parents, students, and coaches. But still, high school students' athletics also has some development trends and conditions to be improved. Most American high schools with sports brand characteristics have recognized these problems and taken corresponding measures. We can say that in the future, the schools will put in more time and energy to promote development and upgrading.

  【Let more students participate in sports.】

  It’s a bit unsettling to know that while most teens ages 13-17 are physically able, only about 40 percent of them are active in any sports activity, competitive or recreational. Unfortunately, the downward trend may likely continue because today’s young people are being lured into “activities” that require only the movement of a hand, such as video games, social media, or web surfing.[2] Many participants withdrew from the youth sports midway, the reasons may include too much emphasis on winning takes the victory as the purpose of participation, leading to increased psychological pressure; excessive demands on adolescents’ bodies have led to an increased chance of sports injuries; the lack of training for youth sports coaches has resulted in a situation where children are frustrated by guidance mistakes. Especially for girls, many girls withdraw from sports activities after entering puberty. [32]

  In the future, schools that want to develop sports brand characteristics will spend energy to promote more students, especially girls, to join and keep doing sports. They will provide more female coaches, more positive media publicity, and strengthening psychological counseling for students and parents.

  【Improve the concept and environment.】

  Schools should strive to improve the environment for children to participate in sports and guide students to form a better concept of sports, strengthen psychological guidance and counseling, lead them to happy and safe competition and correctly view the fun of sports and the failures and setbacks brought by competition. Schools will also conduct a certain degree of sports spirit education for parents; since over-participating parents will not create a rapport sports environment; excessive attention and competition will bring pressure to students and lead them to give up sports easily.

  At the same time, we should avoid early specialization, which causes too much pressure and a lack of fun. In nearly every study when children were asked why they stop playing, one of the most common answers is that it’s just not fun anymore. The National Athletic Trainers Association recently released an official statement recommending that children delay specializing in a sport if possible. They specifically state that the physical demands of specialization, the pressure to perform, and lack of rest put these young athletes at a higher risk for injury, burnout, and dropping out of sports. [33]

  【Set the right goals.】

  In most youth sports, especially as kids get older, the only goal or metric of success is winning. Unfortunately, winning doesn’t tell you how well you played. Especially in team sports. Sometimes you play well, but the opponent was just better. Sometimes you play better but lose due to factors you can’t control. Winning is important, but it’s not always an accurate measure of performance and development. We must change this mentality and start measuring what matters. When you measure a child’s individual progress, effort, and individual performance, they have fun. Stop measuring your child’s success by the outcome of a sporting event and instead measure their individual effort, progress, and fun. If you measure those things, your children will have more fun, improve faster, play longer.

  Guiding safe competition, shaping healthy physique and mentality, and cultivating high school students with good physical and mental health are the ideal and goals of high school athletics. Doing sports regularly with good methodology and safety bring very important physical, mental, and social benefits to students. Promoting the integration of sports, medical treatment, and physical education, promoting the healthy and sustainable development of sports, combined with digitization and intelligence, such as the establishment of athletes’ health management database, are also the trends of high school athletics development in the future. Athletics is an important part of students' growth and development. It is of great significance to the development of the country and society by enhancing the body and mind of teenagers. It is also the goal of high schools dedicated to developing the brand characteristics of athletics.大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!

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  [25] “Gibbons Athletics.” Cardinal Gibbons High School,

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  [27] “Manage Your Workflow.” Appryse, NOLEDGY LLC.,

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  [33] Bradley, Matt. "5 Huge Problems with Youth Sports in the US". Ollie, 2020,


Research Report on Brand Characteristics of Athletics of U.S. High Schools

Research Report on Brand Characteristics of Athletics of U.S. High Schools

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